Homemade Peach Wine Coolers

25 Aug

I love the flavor of peaches, and recently I’ve switched up my grocery store due to better produce and I’ve been seeing amazing looking peaches.  My husband doesn’t like peaches so when I bought some I wasn’t sure what to do with them, aside from cutting and serving with some whipped cream or something.  I’ve been seeing some homemade wine cooler recipes recently that I’ve also been wanting to try but I needed an excuse.  Voila – dinner party with the family – perfect excuse, and I had some peaches!

These wine coolers were exactly what I was expecting.  Peachy, delicious wine and not a hint of nasty bottled wine cooler flavor, reminiscent of high school “rebellion”.  This is a perfectly delicious adult beverage that you can drink without any shame!

Peach Wine Coolers
1 pound fresh peaches, peeled and chopped
2 ounces peach schnapps or favorite “plain liquor”
generous pinch of Kosher salt
2 750-mL bottles dry Reisling, Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc
ice for serving

Combine the peaches, liquor, salt and scant 2 cups of the wine in a blender.  Puree until smooth and frothy, about 1 minute.

Strain through a fine mesh sieve, or transfer directly to a pitcher or bowl.  Refrigerate at least 2 hours.

To serve, either fill a large wine goblet with ice, then fill about halfway with the peach mixture and top off with reserved wine OR add reserved wine to the pitcher or bowl, and serve in wine goblets over ice.

Source: adapted from Pink Parsley Catering

One Response to “Homemade Peach Wine Coolers”

  1. "pup" 08/25/2010 at 1:14 pm #

    These look delicious and refreshing!!

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